Computer Science and Engineering

R-LAIR: Riverside Lab for Artificial Intelligence Research

Continuous Time Bayesian Network Reasoning and Learning Engine (CTBN-RLE)

v1.0.0: CTBN papers

The following are the academic papers we know about that pertain to
continuous time Bayesian networks.  The code assumes knowledge of at least
the first paper.


Uri Nodelman, Christian R. Shelton, and Daphne Koller
	(2002). "Continuous Time Bayesian Networks." Proceedings
	of the Eighteenth International Conference on
	Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 378-387).
[First paper formulating CTBNs.  It defines a CTBN's syntax and semantics
 and briefly discusses an approximate inference method.]

Tal El-Hay, Nir Friedman, Daphne Koller and Raz Kupferman (2006).
	"Continuous Time Markov Networks", Proceedings of the Twenty-Second
	Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 155-164).
[An undirected version of CTBNs that represents the subset of reversable
 Markov processes.]


Uri Nodelman, Christian R. Shelton, and Daphne Koller (2003). "Learning
	Continuous Time Bayesian Networks." Proceedings of the Nineteenth
	International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
	(pp.  451-458).
[Introduces the sufficient statistics for a CTBN and formulates the
 maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori parameter learning formulas
 for the complete data case.  It also formulates a structure learning
 method based on a Bayesian scoring function.]

Uri Nodelman, Christian R. Shelton, and Daphne Koller (2005). "Expectation
	Maximization and Complex Duration Distributions for Continuous Time
	Bayesian Networks." Proceedings of the Twenty-First International
	Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 421-430).
[Introduces expectation maximization for CTBNs to extend the parameter
 and structure learning methods of the previous paper to the incomplete
 data case.]


(The first paper from 2002 also discusses this to some degree)

Uri Nodelman, Daphne Koller, and Christian R. Shelton (2005). "Expectation
	Propagation for Continuous Time Bayesian Networks." Proceedings of the
	Twenty-First International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
	Intelligence (pp. 431-440).
[An approximate inference method based on expectation propagation.]

Brenda Ng, Avi Pfeffer, and Richard Dearden (2005). "Continuous Time
	Particle Filtering." Proceedings of the Nineteenth International
	Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1360-1365).
[A particle filter for the case of an unobserved CTBN that is driving
	stchastic differential equations whose values are observed at
	discrete time points.]

Suchi Saria, Uri Nodelman, and Daphne Koller (2007). "Reasoning at the
	Right Time Granularity." Proceedings of the Twenty-third Conference
	on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence" (pp. 421-430).
[An improved approximate inference method based on expectation

Yu Fan and Christian R. Shelton (2008).  "Sampling for Approximate
	Inference in Continuous Time Bayesian Networks."  Proceedings of
	the Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
	and Mathematics.
[An importance sampling method and its extension to particle filtering
 and smoothing.]

Tal El-Hay, Nir Friedman, and Raz Kupferman (2008). "Gibbs Sampling in
	Factorized Continuous-Time Markov Processes." Proceedings of the
	Twenty-Fourth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
	(pp. 169-178).
[A method for Gibbs sampling for a CTBN.]

Ido Cohn, Tal El-Hay, Raz Kupferman, and Nir Friedman (2009). "Mean
	Field Variational Approximation for Continuous-Time Bayesian
	Networks."  Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International
	Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
[A mean field variational method for a CTBN.]


Karthik Gopalratnam, Henry Kautz, and Daniel S. Weld (2005).  "Extending
	Continuous Time Bayesian Networks." Proceedings of 20th National
	Conference on Artificial Intelligence-AAAI 2005 (pp. 981-986).
[This presents an alternative to exponential duration distributions.]

Kin Fai Kan and Christian R. Shelton (2008). "Solving Structured
	Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes." Tenth International
	Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics.
[This presents an approximate continuous Markov decision process planning
 solution using CTBN.]


(most of the papers above have at least one application of a CTBN.  These
 papers' main contributions are in applications, rather than theory.)

Uri Nodelman and Eric Horvitz (2003). "Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
	for Inferring Users' Presence and Activities with Extensions for
	Modeling and Evaluation."  MSR-TR-2003-97, Microsoft Research.
[Applies CTBNs to modeling user's use of desktop applications.]

Ralf Herbrich, Thore Graepel, and Brendan Murphy (2007). "Structure from
	Failure."  SYSML '07: Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX workshop on tackling
	computer system problems with machine learning. pp. 1-6.
[Applies CTBNs to modeling failures in server farms.]

Jing Xu and Christian R. Shelton (2008). "Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
	for Host Level Network Intrusion Detection." Machine Learning
	and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) (LNAI, vol 5212)
	(pp. 613-627).
[Applies CTBNs to host-level computer network intrusion detection.
 Introduces "toggle" variables.]

Yu Fan and Christian R. Shelton (2009). "Learning Continuous-Time Social
	Network Dynamics." Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Conference
	on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
[Applies CTBNs to social network dynamics.  Introduces MCMC inference

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