Marked Point Process for Severity of Illness Assessment (2017)

by Kazi T. Islam, Christian R. Shelton, Juan I. Casse, and Randall Wetzel

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) consist of sparse, noisy, incomplete, heterogeneous and unevenly sampled clinical data of patients. They include physiological signals, lab test results, procedural events, clinical notes. Such data can be treated as a temporal stream of events of varied types occurring at irregularly spaced time points. We focus on modeling the temporal dependencies that arise due to the types, timings, and values of different events in such data. We model the event streams, including vital signs, laboratory results contained in two different datasets (MIMIC III - Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care clinical database - and data extracted from EHRs of patients in a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit) using a piecewise-constant conditional intensity model (PCIM), a type of marked point process. Our experiments capture meaningful temporal dependencies and show improvement in hospital mortality prediction over traditional ICU scoring systems.

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Kazi T. Islam, Christian R. Shelton, Juan I. Casse, and Randall Wetzel (2017). "Marked Point Process for Severity of Illness Assessment." Proceedings of Machine Learning for Healthcare. pdf        

Bibtex citation

   author = "Kazi T. Islam and Christian R. Shelton and Juan I. Casse and Randall Wetzel",
   title = "Marked Point Process for Severity of Illness Assessment",
   booktitle = "Proceedings of Machine Learning for Healthcare",
   booktitleabbr = "MLHC",
   year = 2017,

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