Auxiliary Gibbs Sampling for Inference in Piecewise-Constant Conditional Intensity Models (2015)
by Zhen Qin and Christian R. Shelton
A piecewise-constant conditional intensity model (PCIM) is a
non-Markovian model of temporal stochastic dependencies in
continuous-time event streams. It allows efficient learning and
forecasting given complete trajectories. However, no general
inference algorithm has been developed for PCIMs. We propose an
effective and efficient auxiliary Gibbs sampler for inference in
PCIM, based on the idea of thinning for inhomogeneous Poisson
processes. The sampler alternates between sampling a finite set of
auxiliary virtual events with adaptive rates, and performing an
efficient forward-backward pass at discrete times to generate
We show that our sampler can successfully
perform inference tasks in both Markovian and non-Markovian models,
and can be employed in Expectation-Maximization PCIM
parameter estimation and structural learning
with partially observed data.
Download Information
Zhen Qin and Christian R. Shelton (2015). "Auxiliary Gibbs Sampling for Inference in Piecewise-Constant Conditional Intensity Models." Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
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Bibtex citation
author = "Zhen Qin and Christian R. Shelton",
title = "Auxiliary Gibbs Sampling for Inference in Piecewise-Constant Conditional Intensity Models",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence",
booktitleabbr = "UAI",
year = 2015,
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