However, just as unobserved variables can increase the modeling power of other probabilistic models, allowing unobserved events can increase the modeling power of point processes. In this paper we develop a method to sample over the posterior distribution of unobserved events in a multivariate Hawkes process. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach, and its utility in improving predictive power and identifying latent structure in real-world data.
Christian R. Shelton, Zhen Qin, and Chandini Shetty (2018). "Hawkes Process Inference with Missing Data." Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. |
@inproceedings{SheQinShe18, author = "Christian R. Shelton and Zhen Qin and Chandini Shetty", title = "{H}awkes Process Inference with Missing Data", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Thirty-Second {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence", booktitleabbr = "AAAI", year = 2018, }